Key messages re: drought for 17th Sept 2019
- Rainfall is likely to be below average across most of the country for the remainder of 2019
(October to December) - An extended warm spell is expected during September, with weekly temperatures likely to be 2-3 degrees above average across
central and eastern Australia. - Significant rainfall is required to break the drought in northern NSW and initial losses of 100-
150mm can be expected before significant runoff will occur in most catchments. - The BoM’s outlook indicates for August to October remains drier than average.
Longer-term outlook:
Drier than normal end of the year likely for most of Australia
- Rainfall is likely to be below average across most of New South Wales during October to January.
- In the shorter term, the second half of September is likely to be drier than average across most of
the country. - October is showing particularly strong chances for almost all of mainland Australia of
being a drier than usual month.

After that, the state government allocated $50 millions to support water infrastructure initiatives.