Water is important, because without it the very foundations of our society would crumble.

Water plays a pivotal role in sustaining all forms of life on Earth, including human civilization. As the most essential resource, water impacts various aspects of our society, from agriculture and industry to health and sanitation. In this blog post, we will delve into the ten critical reasons why water is indispensable for the survival and prosperity of civilization.

1. Sustaining Human Life

Water is the foundation of human survival. On average, the human body is composed of about 60% water, and every living being requires clean and safe drinking water to survive. Without access to clean water, diseases related to waterborne pathogens would run rampant, and our civilization would be in constant peril.

2. Agriculture and Food Production

Agriculture, the backbone of civilization, relies heavily on water. Crops need water to grow, and livestock need water to thrive. Without an adequate and consistent supply of water, agricultural yields would plummet, leading to food shortages and potential famine.

3. Energy Production

Water is a key component in various forms of energy production. Hydropower, for example, harnesses the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity. Additionally, cooling water is essential for conventional power plants, such as coal and nuclear facilities. Without water, our ability to produce energy would be severely compromised.

4. Industrial Processes

Industry depends on water for a multitude of processes, including manufacturing, cooling, and cleaning. Many industries, such as textiles, chemicals, and mining, rely on copious amounts of water in their operations. Without water, industrial production would grind to a halt.

5. Transportation and Trade

Historically, water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans have served as essential transportation routes. Even today, shipping remains one of the most efficient and cost-effective means of transporting goods globally. Water-based transport is vital for international trade and the functioning of the global economy.

6. Ecosystem Health

Healthy ecosystems are vital for maintaining ecological balance and providing essential services, such as water purification, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity conservation. Water is the lifeblood of these ecosystems, ensuring their stability and resilience in the face of environmental changes.

7. Sanitation and Disease Control

Proper sanitation, including the disposal of wastewater and sewage, is crucial for preventing the spread of diseases. Access to clean water is fundamental for personal hygiene, reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses, and promoting public health.

8. Climate Regulation

Water plays an important role in regulating the Earth’s climate. Oceans and large bodies of water absorb and release heat more slowly than land, helping to moderate temperature extremes. Water also acts as a greenhouse gas sink, influencing the planet’s heat balance and climate patterns.

9. Biodiversity and Habitats

Aquatic ecosystems, from coral reefs to wetlands, are hotspots of biodiversity. These habitats support countless species, many of which are essential for maintaining ecological balance and providing ecosystem services. Without adequate water resources, these vital habitats would degrade, leading to a loss of biodiversity.

10. Social and Economic Stability

Access to clean water is closely linked to social and economic stability. Communities with reliable water sources have improved health, education, and economic opportunities. Conversely, water scarcity and inequitable distribution can lead to conflicts and unrest, threatening the stability of societies and nations.


Water is not just a resource; it is the lifeblood of civilization itself. Without water, the very foundations of our society would crumble. From sustaining life and agriculture to powering industries and regulating climate, water’s importance cannot be overstated. As we face growing challenges like climate change, population growth, and water scarcity, it becomes even more critical to manage and conserve this precious resource responsibly. By recognizing the vital role of water in our civilization and taking proactive steps to protect and preserve it, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for ourselves and generations to come.

More reading

8 Steps to Calculate How Much Water You Need in Storage to Achieve Water Security in a Drought